Manufacture high-value blanks using resources economically

Saw individual jewellery components precisely with little scrap
It is important in the jewellery industry, where often high-value materials such as gold and silver are processed, that little scrap is produced during the sawing process. Scrap can be expensive for the manufacturer. Our RKA saws are used to produce various kinds of blanks:
- Rings, watch parts, profiles for watch bands: Links, pins and bolts for connections,
- Rods and bolts for bracelets and chain closures
- as well as hinges for glasses and sunglasses straps.
In order to save even more material, we additionally recommend outfitting your automated sawing equipment with the right accessories, such as a band filter. One can save enormous costs by recycling chips.
Our references
Timex, Engelhard, Omega, Rolex, Frédéric Piguet, Argor-Heraeus, Fairbelle and many silver- and goldsmiths benefit from low-burr to burr-free sawing production performance provided by Rohbimax machines.